Financial Services sales

course overview

Certification Body: TVET-CDACC

Duration: 1 Year

Financial Services Sales

Financial Services Sales Agency level 5 qualification consists of competencies that an individual must achieve to enable him/her to provide financial awareness, provide customer service and provide financial security.

The course consists of the following basic and core units of competency as shown below:

units of learning

  • Demonstrate Communication Skills
  • Demonstrate Numeracy Skills
  • Demonstrate Digital Literacy
  • Demonstrate Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Demonstrate Employability Skills
  • Demonstrate Environmental Literacy
  • Demonstrate Occupational Safety and
  • Health Practices
  • Provide Financial Security
  • Provide Customer Service
  • Provide Financial Awareness

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

  • An individual entering this course should have any of the following minimum
    a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D (Plain)


    b) Certificate in Financial Services Sales Agency Level 4


    c) Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications
    Authority (KNQA)

    d) As may be guided by relevant regulatory body

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